Laura Kalbag

Diary, 29th March 2016

Back in the office today and we’re working hard and getting a lot done. We can’t wait to share what we’re working on with you all. (Soon, I promise!)

Friday and today, I’ve been getting our Labs and in tip-top shape. Now with our own logo in the corner, it feels more like home, and Aral has added single sign-on so you can sign up with your GitHub account, as well as adding some new copy on the source homepage to explain a little more about what is housed on (It’s only visible if you’re signed out.)

We’ve added Timer and Swifty File Manager to Labs too. These have new logo/icons along with updated and new logo/icons for LabsSet, and a couple of internal projects. Where Labs projects have demo iOS apps, these apps now have proper icons when you run them on your device or on the Simulator, so you can easily tell them apart.

I’ve been working to create a more consistent style language across our logos and icons. As we go along, certain rules and patterns are emerging that helps everything feel a bit more

Oskar status

Oskar the dog lying curled up on his raised canvas camping-style bed

Cosy on his fancy office bed…

This diary entry was originally posted on the forum at