Diary, 5th February 2016
Note: I’ve been writing diary entries on the Ind.ie forum for a while now. I’ve decided to start sharing these on my site now too, as I’ve not been posting much else! (They have bonus dog photos.)
I’ve been meaning to write a diary entry for ages, and 8am on a Friday morning is the first opportunity I’ve had to get to it (and I’ve already been working for an hour…)
Everything is going well. You might’ve heard that we’ve decided to move to Sweden. Our visit at the end of January saw us finding a beautiful apartment in Davidshalltorg in Malmö, and the wonderful people at Media Evolution City going out of their way to organise us an office space where Oskar can join us. It’s been an arduous six months, and we’re really excited to move to such a friendly and welcoming space.
It’s been a busy few weeks, with us both working hard on the hush-hush project (not long to go!) Aral speaking in Amsterdam, our two-night house-hunting trip to Malmö, and my speaking on two panels this week. Now we have just over two weeks to move everything we need to Sweden, and sort everything else. Including transporting Oskar across 5 countries.
To that end, we’re selling some of the stuff from our storage room on the 13th February. If you’re interested in any of it, give me a shout.
Oskar status

Making the most of the British countryside!
Originally posted on the Ind.ie forum at https://forum.ind.ie/t/laura-s-diary-friday-5th-february-2016