Ladies In Tech
A while ago, Jeremy Keith introduced me to, suggesting that it might be something that’d interest me. After having a chat with the lovely Jenn Lukas over email, I had a story that I wanted to share about my adventures in speaking, and Jenn has now helped me share it on the site.
This was the first time I’ve ever had anybody edit my writing. I’ve had other people proof-read and check my writing for mistakes, but never changing that much (despite often needing it!) Jenn teamed me up with Steph Hay, who was so kind in helping me un-jumble the story into a more coherent order and make sure I made my points clearly. They both gave me a lot of support and encouragement along the way too!
My post on is about asking for help, and how I stopped making excuses and found the confidence to get into speaking with the help of other people.

So happy Jeremy got us in touch!! And double happy that you shared your story with us!! I truly believe the more we share, the more we understand that feelings of nervousness are okay but the reward is totally awesome!! Thanks for helping us spread that story!