Laura Kalbag

A new study finds a potential risk with self-driving cars: failure to detect dark-skinned pedestrians

Written by Sigal Samuel on Vox.

“The list of concerns about self-driving cars just got longer. 

In addition to worrying about how safe they are, how they’d handle tricky moral trade-offs on the road, and how they might make traffic worse, we also need to worry about how they could harm people of color. 

If you’re a person with dark skin, you may be more likely than your white friends to get hit by a self-driving car, according to a new study out of the Georgia Institute of Technology. That’s because automated vehicles may be better at detecting pedestrians with lighter skin tones.”

Read ‘A new study finds a potential risk with self-driving cars: failure to detect dark-skinned pedestrians’ on the Vox site.

Tagged with: self-driving cars, systemic discrimination.