Laura Kalbag

Building the Woke Web: Web Accessibility, Inclusion & Social Justice

Written by Olu Niyiawosusi on A List Apart.

“Not having access to the internet is expensive, locking you out of essential services and a surfeit of helpful information. Giving people full access to the splendors and knowledge of the online world should be imperative for everyone who works on it.”

“People with disabilities are more likely to be a captive audience to apps and websites using their data inappropriately or engaging in other unethical practices. This may be because they rely on a particular site to interact with other people with disabilities, because they lack the tools to visit other sites, or lack other suitable websites or apps to use.”

“All the tenets of intersectional feminism, web accessibility, and diversity and inclusion are inextricably tied up in making the web a better place, for all and by all.”

Read ‘Building the Woke Web: Web Accessibility, Inclusion & Social Justice’ on the A List Apart site.

Tagged with: accessibility, inclusivity, justice.