Laura Kalbag

Under digital surveillance: how American schools spy on millions of kids

Written by Lois Beckett on The Guardian.

“Unlike gun control, Marlow said, ‘Surveillance is politically palatable, and so they’re pursuing surveillance as a way you can demonstrate action, even though there’s no evidence that it will positively impact the problem.’” … “Some people think that technology is magic, that artificial intelligence will save us,” Vance said. “A lot of the questions and a lot of the privacy concerns haven’t [been] thought of, let alone addressed.” … “For black students, and students with disabilities, who already face a disproportionate amount of harsh disciplinary measures, the introduction of new kinds of surveillance may be especially harmful, privacy experts said.”

Read ‘Under digital surveillance: how American schools spy on millions of kids’ on the The Guardian site.

Tagged with: surveillance, schools, privacy.