Laura Kalbag

Perspectives on tackling Big Tech’s market power

Written by Natasha Lomas on Techcrunch.

“Slaughter also argued that it’s important for regulators not to pile all the burden of avoiding data abuses on consumers themselves.

‘I want to sound a note of caution around approaches that are centered around user control,’ she said. ’I think transparency and control are important. I think it is really problematic to put the burden on consumers to work through the markets and the use of data, figure out who has their data, how it’s being used, make decisions… I think you end up with notice fatigue; I think you end up with decision fatigue; you get very abusive manipulation of dark patterns to push people into decisions.

‘So I really worry about a framework that is built at all around the idea of control as the central tenant or the way we solve the problem. I’ll keep coming back to the notion of what instead we need to be focusing on is where is the burden on the firms to limit their collection in the first instance, prohibit their sharing, prohibit abusive use of data and I think that that’s where we need to be focused from a policy perspective.’”

Read ‘Perspectives on tackling Big Tech’s market power’ on the Techcrunch site.

Tagged with: regulation, Big Tech, surveillance capitalism.