Laura Kalbag

Spotify’s Weird LinkedIn Playlists Sound Like a Cash Register

Written by Shoshana Wodinsky on Gizmodo.

“[W]hen you look into the way Spotify’s slowly morphed its playlists into data-mining machines, suddenly it makes a lot more sense.

See, to Spotify, playlists and podcasts aren’t just what you’re listening to, but who you are… In the process of tapping into Spotify day after day after day with some variation of this routine, I’m giving the company not only my emotional state but also my entire schedule.

Since going public in 2018, Spotify hasn’t been quiet about its push into the big data space, partnering with third party after third party (after third party) to bulk up the intel it can already guesstimate from its user base. More and more, it’s starting to look like Spotify’s less about knowing my “mood” and more about knowing the car I’m most likely to drive, the beer I’m most likely to order at a bar, whether I still live with my parents, and the exact location where I’m binge-eating Baskin Robin’s.”

Read ‘Spotify’s Weird LinkedIn Playlists Sound Like a Cash Register’ on the Gizmodo site.

Tagged with: Spotify, LinkedIn, surveillance capitalism.