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20 September 2021 15:26 UTC
My book, Accessibility for Everyone, is back in stock in paperback! Hooray! 💚📗 (And big thank you, A Book Apart.)
Preorder yours now and it’ll be with you in 6-8 weeks.
21 July 2021 10:55 IST
Finally got my first jab! 🎉
15 July 2021 16:03 IST
Folks who signed up for the mailing list, I’m really sorry I can’t email you about the skipped livestream tonight. I’ve managed to lock myself out of my Buttondown account 😞
Promise that I’ll get it fixed and get emails out to you in time for next month’s stream!
15 July 2021 11:17 IST
Read this whole thread, articulated so well from someone who really knows cryptocurrency.
“I am often asked if I will “return to cryptocurrency” or begin regularly sharing my thoughts on the topic again. My answer is a wholehearted “no”, but to avoid repeating myself I figure it might be worthwhile briefly explaining why here…”
13 July 2021 16:11 IST
We’re skipping July’s Small is Beautiful this month as Aral is getting his second COVID vaccination the day before. We’ll be back in August!
You can get live stream reminders for next month’s stream via email or RSS.
16 June 2021 13:39 IST
Ooh, didn’t realise you could subscribe to an RSS feed by just entering the site’s url into Feedbin. That saves a lot of time hunting around for a hidden feed!
25 May 2021 17:48 IST
New blocking rules! On 25th May 2021, I blocked three blocker blockers, fixed five sites and blocked four new trackers. In the battle of me vs blocker blockers, I have once again emerged victorious (x4) 💪
The rules will auto-update if the app is running. If it’s not, you can get the new rules by opening the app and choosing ‘Update rules’ or ‘Check again now’ from Better’s menu.
Thank you to all our donors and patrons who help us continue our work! 💙
If you want to support us, you can tell your friends about our work, leave us a review for Better, gift the app to someone else, or even become a donor or monthly patron.
21 May 2021 21:01 IST
Yesterday’s Small is Beautiful video is now up on our site with transcript, captions and links to all the cool sites we mentioned!
Thanks to fun guests, Heydon Pickering and Gabe Kangas, and to the lovely folks who stayed for the studio afterparty 😉
If you enjoy this livestream, please help support out work at Small Technology Foundation with a patronage or donation, or share our videos with your friends!
Yes, it is late Friday night here… never underestimate my determination to not work weekends!
29 April 2021 12:43 IST
New rules out there for you Better Blocker friends. Lots of fixing this time, amazing how fragile big brand websites can be 😬
28 April 2021 12:17 IST
“At the end of the day, they are not interested in seeing things in their work timeline that make them uncomfortable, or distracts them from what they’re interested in.” from What really happened at Basecamp
This attitude is endemic in the tech industry.