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28 February 2019 16:44 UTC
I wish tech journalism would find more diversity in the experts whose opinions they quote. I want to hear from experts who understand and represent the needs and concerns of people from marginalised groups. (And I couldn’t care less about what yet another startup CEO farts out.)
28 February 2019 10:04 UTC
They’re making a Discovery spinoff about Section 31 starring the Philippa Georgiou character? YES PLEASE.
27 February 2019 13:37 UTC
“The white Other still benefits from white supremacy. We face discrimination, trauma, pain, violence, exclusion, but it is not the goal of our societal structures. It is more often a product of it.”
To My Fellow White Others, Chase Strangio on The Progressive
23 February 2019 14:18 UTC
I’ve always known seating, tables, phones and lecterns weren’t built for me, but didn’t realise my car isn’t designed for me to drive and, because of that, could easily kill me.
The deadly truth about a world built for men – from stab vests to car crashes
22 February 2019 19:13 UTC
Face to match my phone case.
So far my 30s have been about embracing stuff I missed out on in my teens and early 20s because I thought it was “too girly” and “cliché.” Turns out wearing pink, listening to pop and doing facemasks is just fun.
21 February 2019 08:47 UTC
I wish more sites focused on cool dev would do this, telling you about fun and shiny new things but also specifically mentioning the caveats for accessibility and how they might be addressed.
18 February 2019 12:18 UTC
Sorry to folks subscribing to my Notes and Photos on RSS. You’ll have just got a big dump of posts from the last couple of months. It turns out updating these things manually, then being ill, is less than ideal…
15 February 2019 15:03 UTC
Why waste time on social media, I’m going to go outside and shriek into the wind instead.
15 February 2019 09:02 UTC
Give me strength to deal with the men (sorry men, it’s always men) who read something I’ve written and reply with instructions I didn’t need nor asked for.
15 February 2019 08:48 UTC
Eyebrows raised again, this time it’s Motherboard…