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12 January 2019 13:44 UTC
Starting 2019 with the flu has been less than ideal. I’m terrible at resting so keep making myself worse. Promise I will get back to commitments/updates for Better as soon as I can.
02 January 2019 11:07 UTC
Well pleased to be included in this lineup. Loads of good advice from Strong Feelings to take into 2019. (If you don’t already listen to the podcast, you should! Katel and Sara are true beacons of light in a dark industry.)
22 December 2018 18:05 UTC
This article is really informative and helpful. (My feminism tries to be intersectional, trans-inclusive, and perpetually attempting to be less ignorant.)
20 December 2018 18:05 UTC
Day after day of greatness from 24 Accessibility. Today, Eric Bailey explaining accessibility of web components in a clear, thorough (yet concise) way. Also there’s an audio version!
20 December 2019 09:08 UTC
Just saw yet another insightful and popular tweet by a woman where the replies are filled with men trying to improve upon what she is saying or make room for themselves.
Stop it. Just stop it. If you agree with a person’s perspective, retweet it! It doesn’t have to be about you.
I’m not saying don’t reply. But don’t bother if:
- you’re just repeating their point back at them
- your reply can be summed up as “yes I think so too” (this sounds as pompous on the internet as it does in person)
I’m so tired of participating in the tech industry being an endurance test in fragile masculinity.
19 December 2018 07:55 UTC
I don’t necessarily agree with the conclusion of this article, ‘“Owning your data” will not save you from data capitalism’ but I think it makes a few particularly useful points:
- “Owning” your own data can imply the ability/desire to sell it. It shouldn’t.
- It’s not just information about us as individuals that is valuable, the connective and meta data conveying our relationships to others is arguably more valuable.
- Plenty of data about us can be inferred without data specifically about us (see above.)
- Consent is impossible when you do not know how your data can be used against you.
Perhaps saying “owning and controlling your own data” (a phrase we use a lot at is misleading. We use it because, right now, corporations do own and control data about us, and so it makes sense that the inverse is that we (individuals) own and control that data. Maybe the emphasis should be on control. Maybe there are better words.
18 December 2018 11:29 UTC
Endless practical advice coming from 24accessibility this year. Just read ‘I Threw Away my Mouse’ (inspired by Laura Carvajal) by Manuel Matuzović and it has so many examples of common issues and best-practice corrections for keyboard navigation.
This time of year is great for my RSS reader. 24accessibility 24ways and Notist are especially fab.
18 December 2018 10:56 UTC
This time of year is great for my RSS reader. 24accessibility 24ways and Notist are especially fab.
17 December 2018 08:48 UTC
Because I’ve been living under a social media rock, I didn’t realise there was an update to Heydon Pickering’s Inclusive Components book. Inclusive modal dialogs! (Useful after all the whinging I’ve done about modals lately…)
Only €18, you should treat yourself:
21 September 2018 13:20 IST
Turns out that VoiceOver pronounces my surname correctly, so I’m going to use that next time a human being keeps mispronouncing my name even though I told them how.