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New To Design
Following my learning design post, I’ve started a little project called “new to design.” At the moment it just consists of a learn-design tag on my Pinboard bookmarks and a Twitter account @newtodesign so that I can share useful design resources (especially for those new to design.
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Grid Frameworks and why I’m not keen on them…
I’ve written a post for 12 Devs of Xmas on Grid Frameworks. After spending months whining about grid frameworks, and Bootstrap, I’ve finally backed up my tweet-sized complaints with some context and examples.
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My 2012
2012 has been a massive year for me. It was a year of saying yes to things that scared me. It was the first time I spoke at a conference (and I went on to speak at a further seven events.
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Learning Design
Every now and again someone will email me asking how they should go about learning design. After reading Aral Balkan’s fantastic post on how design is not veneer, a few developers also expressed frustration at there not being many resources telling you how to get started with design.
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Sass for Designers — The Setup
As an accompaniment to my post on Sass for Designers (why and how you should use Sass) I thought I’d better include a quick writeup on my setup for working with Sass in the hope that it’ll help you get started.
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Sass for Designers
Despite saying that I wanted to avoid writing post about development, I wanted to write something about Sass. Excuse me, what is Sass?
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We read with our own contexts
Oh Twitter. Yesterday was another day where I accidentally incited another riot with a poorly-worded tweet. Nobody is perfect, but it’s starting to happen with alarming frequency, and I wanted to understand why I keep doing this.
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Speaking at the WordPress London January meetup
I’m speaking at the WordPress London January meetup on the 17th of January 2013. I’ve been using WordPress for years, for my own site and for client sites, and I really love it.
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24 Ways: Design Systems
I’ve been thinking a lot about the design in ‘responsive’ design lately. My post on 24ways is where I started to get some of my thoughts and ideas out.
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Bardowl: The Big One
For the last few years, I’ve been working with a great team of people on our iPhone app, Bardowl, an app for streaming unlimited audiobooks for £9.
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