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Notebooks and Getting Over Moleskine
I’m a notebook and sketchbook-aholic. Actually I’m addicted to stationery of any kind. Pens, pencils, post-it notes. It’s incredibly easy to convince myself I need these items when I mostly don’t.
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The Big M
First off, let me declare my complete bias. I’ve been involved with the Big M conference from pretty early on, I was lucky enough to do all the design work and the organisers are lovely guys who I’m proud to call my friends.
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Who wants a ticket for The Big M?
I don’t know if you know, but I made the website for the upcoming super exciting mobile conference, The Big M.
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Women in…
I’ve changed my mind about this subject! To read about why and how I don’t believe this anymore, please read Women and conferences.
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New Adventures 2011
Conferences are my social life As I go to more conferences, I meet more lovely people and get to see friends I’d only ever talk to on Twitter otherwise.
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Hardboiled Web Design and Transcending CSS
My history with Transcending CSS In 2006/early 2007 I read this amazing book. I was half way through my first year studying Digital Design, and I’d only been experimenting with standards-based web design for about six months after reading Web Standards Solutions.
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Design work is 50% visual, 50% justification
After I finished my last post about Design Tips for Developers, it really struck me how much I wrote to justify my design.
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Design Tips For Developers
This little post is based around the talk I gave at Bathcamp. Rich Quick came up with the great idea that, whilst Bathcamp attendees are mostly developers, a talk on design for developers was probably appropriate.
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Bathcamp plea for bad designs by developers
I’ve got a talk for Bathcamp 2010 in the works! Thanks to the ever-helpful Rich Quick for the idea, I’m going to do a talk on Design Tips for Developers.
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Stuck on a design
After discussing Dribbble and Forrst, and my latest post that looked at criticism in design, I’ve been thinking a lot more about how feedback features in my design process.
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