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Good old designer snobbery is alive and kicking
There’s one thing that I hate about being a designer and that’s the snobbery. Most, if not all, designers are a little bit guilty of looking down on other people’s work.
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Using Dribbble and Forrst for feedback on a client project
A couple of weeks ago I created a quickie logo for Andy Warburton’s mobile stock photography service Stockyoo. Andy was really keen on the idea of using Forrst and Dribbble for posting the progress of the project to get the opinions of potential users of a stock photography service and do some early promo for Stockyoo itself.
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dConstruct 2010
I was a bit skeptical about dConstruct at first. The idea of a conference based on ‘creativity and ideas’ made me worry it might be a bit pretentious but I was convinced by a lot of friends on Twitter that it’d be worthwhile, and they were so right.
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Me vs We
There’s something that’s been niggling at me for ages. The way people act as if they’re a multi-person company when they’re really just one individual.
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Year One
It’s been a whole year since I officially started working as a freelance designer last August. I graduated from uni, had a brief fling with some full-time remote working, had an awkward interview with a recruiter and then decided that I’d rather give it a go by myself.
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Girlguides UK Anti-airbrushing Campaign
I don’t like to say it, but I think the Girlguides UK campaign (#gukforrealimages) call for labelling all airbrushed images of women is unrealistic.
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How the iPad is saving my sanity
Fan girl I’ve had an iPad since the day it was released in the UK. I bought it because I’m a fan girl.
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WordPress 3.0 Part 3—Theme Development and the Design
This post has three parts. This is part three. Visit the other parts below: Part 1: WordPress 3.0—Pre 3.0 and Beyond Part 2: WordPress 3.
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WordPress 3.0 Part 2—Really WordPress 3.0
This post has three parts. This is part two. Visit the other parts below: Part 1: WordPress 3.0—Pre 3.0 and Beyond Part 3: WordPress 3.
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WordPress 3.0 Part 1—Pre 3.0 and Beyond
This post has three parts. This is part one. Visit the other parts below: Part 2: WordPress 3.0—Really WordPress 3.
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