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HTML5 For Web Designers
Even though the specification for HTML5 isn’t yet complete, those of us who are a bit eager to get into it now have the perfect book to get us started.
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Picking Fonts
This little post is an extension of my post on Web Fonts. Of late, some of the snobbier designers are whining that more fonts available will mean the web will get covered in horrible mis-use of fonts, unreadable body text and general ugliness.
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Web Fonts
I’ve got a new infatuation; web fonts. Since the second I heard about Typekit (and Fontdeck) last year I’ve been giddy with excitement about being able to use more fonts on the web.
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Autodesk SketchBook Pro
I’ve always been a kind-of arty person. I took Art at school, did an Art Foundation and a Graphics degree. I totally loved art when I was small, but as I’ve got older, and more technology and web-obsessed, a lot of the old media went a bit out of the window.
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Open In A New Window
I’ve been working with a client who wants every external link on their site to open in a new window. They dislike the idea of users leaving their site for somebody else’s and not being able to find their way back.
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Zootool — The best and most beautiful tool for storing inspiration
Since I started using Zootool in March I’ve been totally addicted. I’d been looking for a scrapbook-style app, to stash all the inspiration I find, for a while.
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Well, I’ve got a blog. This is not a promise, but I will attempt to post some stuff focussing on quality over quantity.
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