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Owning and controlling my own content
One of the ultimate goals we have at is owning and controlling our own data. That means I want to have ownership and control over my own personal information, rather than it being in the hands of big corporations.
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The cost of access
This was my opening introduction for Futurefest’s “Who Is the Internet For?” debate today in London. I didn’t hit all the points as smoothly as this, but I covered most of it throughout the debate.
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Gallery Grid With CSS Grid
CSS Grid Layout is great. My site layout is fairly simple, so had no need for lots of grid—I only used it for lining up comments and avatars on old blog posts.
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Hello Ireland
On Saturday, we celebrated the victory for Irish people as they repealed the anti-abortion laws. We were celebrating not just because we care about the rights of people with uteruses, but also because we have now been resident in Ireland for two months.
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Bookmarked: Animation
A few weeks ago I gave a workshop in New Zealand about designing inclusive content and accessible design. Afterwards, I was asked for recommended reading on accessible animation.
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Podcasts, February 2018
In February, there were two podcasts released featuring interviews with me! Both focused on ethical design and privacy. CodeNewbie CodeNewbie Season 3 Episode 4: What should developers know about online privacy?
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I’m a DIY Rebel
Probably the coolest I’ve ever sounded… Last week was featured in a Guardian article, ‘The punk rock internet – how DIY rebels are working to replace the tech giants.
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Semantic HTML on 24 Ways
It’s been a few years since I wrote something for 24ways, but this year I’m back, making the case for semantic HTML.
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Wonky for now
Please excuse the wonkiness of my site. I am iterating on a new design, including all new backend. It’s static!
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Accessibility For Everyone
After three years of work, I can finally tell you that I’ve written a book for A Book Apart about web accessibility called Accessibility For Everyone.
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