Sass for Designers — The Setup
As an accompaniment to my post on Sass for Designers (why and how you should use Sass) I thought I’d better include a quick writeup on my setup for working with Sass in the hope that it’ll help you get started. I’m afraid I work on a OS X, so my instructions will only be good for Macs.
Of course, all of this can be done with the command line and other terrifying tools. I’m very impressed by those who can remember all the commands and quickly get everything working silently in the background. I don’t find this very easy, and prefer to use apps to help me out.
Codekit does all the processing for you. It takes your Sass and spits it out into fully-working CSS. It does loads of other clever things too, but I mostly just use it for Sass. Go download it and give it a go. I think you’ll find it’s definitely worth paying for.

In order to get started with Codekit and Sass, you’ll need a /sass folder in your project where you keep all your Sass files. Sass files can contain plain old CSS or Sass-style CSS but they must have the extension .scss.