Social networks come and go, and I really like posting social media. In this section (currently called ‘Social’), I’m trying to mirror the stuff I post to social networks. There’s also just a photos page or just a notes page. You can follow what I post here using my whole site RSS feed.
06 March 2020 16:36 UTC
my new plant has my attitude
05 March 2020 10:37 UTC
If you insist on Mothers Day marketing, please give me a quick way to opt out. This time of year is a constant pummelling reminder that my mum isn’t here anymore. It’s a very unsubscribey feeling.
20 February 2020 10:35 UTC
“This website uses cookies to make things easier. [Accept and close this message]” is possibly some of the worst consent copy I’ve ever read.
What things? Easier how? Easier for who? Easier for the person who ticked “cookie notice done” off their todo list?
18 February 2020 19:00 UTC
The best place to sit is next to a snoring Osky.
Read more…
18 February 2020 15:38 UTC
Short hair again! (Well as short as I’m brave enough to go…) Pink cheeks brought to you by the Irish weather.
Read more…
15 February 2020 15:09 UTC
Not really surprising that I couldn’t help my dad with the cryptic crossword when I just referred to knives as “the cutty things.”
07 February 2020 12:53 UTC
Save me from financial admin and the incompetent systems that surround it.
In this particular case I’m not referring to capitalism… but also that.
05 February 2020 15:48 UTC
Been doing some blocking and some fixing…
Honestly it baffles me how a big site will host all their styles, scripts and images stored on a third-party domain which they do not own or have control over.
05 February 2020 10:49 UTC
This cute dog is a monster. He can open doors and has developed a habit of bursting into the room when you’re sleeping. When I (lovingly) told him he’s a monster, he struck this pose. This is why he always wins and we are very tired.
31 January 2020 11:19 UTC
Brexit Day feels nauseating because it’s a milestone for the country in being more openly anti-immigrant and racist. Not to say the EU is necessarily better, or it’s why people voted in the referendum, but it is the effect. And I’m really sorry to those who will feel that effect.
28 January 2020 15:12 UTC
Days since a Hugo update broke my website: 0
24 January 2020 12:21 UTC
Well I was feeling quite sleepy this morning after a mega day at #naconf yesterday. And then I properly read through all the amazingly kind feedback for my talk, and now I feel like I could run a marathon and punch through all the walls. Thank you thank you thank you ❤️