Speaking at Dare conference
I’m speaking as a ‘Breakout’ speaker at Dare conference in September. As soon as I saw the rumblings of this conference, I knew it was an event I wanted to attend. It’s focusing on risk, vulnerability, communication and trying to make the world a better place.
Then I realised that I actually had an idea for a talk that could work for this event. I’d wanted to talk about my openness and honesty online, and how it affects my business. I was only just becoming aware of what I was doing, and writing a talk was a good way for me to dig a little bit deeper. So I wrote a proposal and my proposal was accepted.
The talk has a slightly cheesy name, “My secret is honesty” but I promise you, the content is real. I’ve already tested it on a lovely group of people in Porto, Portugal, and hope to have a shortened version ready in September. It’s a very different topic for me, I usually talk about web design and development, but I think it’s the right place for an open talk about openness.