Tag: oskar
My 2018
My first yearly roundup since my 2015 roundup. I’ve blogged over the last three years, so I needn’t summarise the last three years. Just 2018. My initial thoughts on 2018 were “I’ve not done enough.” But, actually, thinking back on it, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.
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20 July 2018 21:28 IST
I’m a DIY Rebel
Probably the coolest I’ve ever sounded… Last week Ind.ie was featured in a Guardian article, ‘The punk rock internet – how DIY rebels are working to replace the tech giants.
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Photography on manual: 6 –; Walk
When I started doing this course, I knew I’d probably end up with a lot of dog walking photos. Oskar and I are out every day, and so there’s lots of photo opportunities.
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