Laura Kalbag

Unbothered on No, You Go Podcast

This is the first in a series of winter catch-up posts.

I’ve been a listener and fan of the No, You Go podcast since their first episode at the beginning of the year. So I was giddy and nervous (and flattered!) when Katel invited me to be their guest.

Despite having known and worked with Katel (CEO of A Book Apart, published my book) and Sara (was editor of A List Apart when I had a column there), I was jittery on the day of recording. Admittedly, I’d just worked through a weekend and was exhausted, but they’re also intimidatingly brilliant people. But my jitters didn’t matter, Katel and Sara were encouraging and kind, the recording was fun, and it felt really great to be talking to two people I really respect. And we covered a particularly tricky topic:

Writing a book is hard. Writing a book as a woman in tech is even harder. So what happens when some mansplainer comes along to rain on your well-earned parade? Laura Kalbag tells us about how she found the courage to write, why listening to women reminds her of what’s important, and how she keeps her cool even in the face of jerks.

You can listen to the podcast or read the transcript on their website. As of last week, No, You Go has been renamed Strong Feelings, so if you want to subscribe and listen to more of their episodes (you should!), you’ll want to search for Strong Feelings in your podcast app’s directory.