Laura Kalbag

Where I’m speaking in Summer/Autumn 2019

This summer/autumn, I’m speaking at conferences in Amsterdam, London and Edinburgh. This year I’ve had mixed experiences with speaking, so I’m being picky about future talks. So I’m looking forward to the following…


Amsterdam, 15th August.

Next week I’ll be in Amsterdam to give an introductory talk about accessible and inclusive design at Framer’s Loupe conference.

State Of The Browser

London, 14th September.

In September, I’m reuniting with a bunch of old pals, and hoping to make new ones at London Web Standards’ State Of The Browser 2019. I last spoke at this conference in 2013, and did one of my first ever talks at one of their meetups in 2012. It’s going to be a proper party.

Accessibility Scotland

Edinburgh, 25th October.

In October, I’ll be back to Edinburgh for Accessibility Scotland. I’m really looking forward to this event, as the theme is “accessibility and ethics” (right up my street!) and so far the lineup is fabulous.