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Prejudice, tech’s systemic issues and responsive images
The best bookmarks I saved in Week 11, 2019.
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Dangerous data and understanding privilege
The best bookmarks I saved in Week 10, 2019.
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Mic Issues
In the last year, I’ve had two notably bad experiences with mic fittings when speaking at conferences. Nowadays most events have a Code of Conduct, but I’ve found them to be largely unenforced, with some of the worst conduct coming from organisers or people working for the event.
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Silicon Valley Darkness and Being a Woman
I’m not committing to a weekly anything! Incidentally, here’s the best bookmarks I saved in Week 9, 2019.
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Elastic Brand podcast
Last Friday afternoon, I had a lovely chat with Liz Elcoate about ethics, inclusivity and accessibility in design and branding. That chat is now available as Episode 4 of Liz’s podcast, The Elastic Brand.
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Ethical design is not superficial
We are seeing more and more organisations starting to talk about ethical design. Unfortunately I suspect this has less to do with caring about the impact of unethical design on society, democracy and the environment, and more to do with organisations attempting to distance themselves from similar businesses who are finding it impossible to continue to disguise their toxicity.
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My 2018
My first yearly roundup since my 2015 roundup. I’ve blogged over the last three years, so I needn’t summarise the last three years. Just 2018. My initial thoughts on 2018 were “I’ve not done enough.” But, actually, thinking back on it, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.
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A little update on the Accessibility For Everyone audiobook sales
This is another in a series of winter catch-up posts. In August, we released the Accessibility For Everyone audiobook, and did a big promotional push at the end of September, on the paperback’s first birthday. Now the third quarter of the year is well over, I have some statistics on the audiobook sales.
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Unbothered on No, You Go Podcast
This is the first in a series of winter catch-up posts. I’ve been a listener and fan of the No, You Go podcast since their first episode at the beginning of the year. So I was giddy and nervous (and flattered!) when Katel invited me to be their guest.
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Processing Responsive Images with Hugo
Over the last few months, I’d become embarrassed to share my blog posts, particularly image-heavy posts, as I was handling responsive images so badly. The images were all huge and it was my only big barrier in web performance (no tracking here!). With an archive of blog posts going back nearly a decade, it was going to be a big job to get my whole site working consistently, but I had an inkling I might be able to do it with Hugo’s Image Processing.
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